Quests for android


This game is a platform adventure with elements of action, in fact, he called it a complex and linear also does not work, so it is necessary to look at!


Game Redrum: Dead blog is another terrible quest for your android that tells the story of Rose, who witnessed the unjust killing and dying unfulfilled desires of many people, but this is only a dream in which her ​​relatives refuse to believe that the situation is heating up Rose was placed in a psychiatric hospital where the nightmare is just beginning.


Ravenhill Asylum game will tell you all the secrets and mystical stories of one of the psychiatric hospitals. Have you ever been there ever be? Do you think there is a lot of people by mistake? And how do you think you will be pleased to be among mad people? Answers to these questions can be found in the game ;)


Game Cthulhu Uber Alles is a fun adventure, based on the mystical works of HP Lovecraft, gave birth to the "Cthulhu" and other demons. There is only about 10 characters, playing for each of you will be able to turn the tide of history.


Game OFFWORLD dedicated space, galaxy and events that ever took place there. Mankind has long taken a step forward and new technologies play in your favor, now all the dirty work is done by the big robots!


Inotia3: Children of Carnia - If you want to be in a fantasy world where the forest dwellers cook therapeutic drugs, while in the air are flying dragon that Inotia 3: Children of Carnia ideal game for travel to a magical world.


Zombie Run is a trans-real game for Android, which plunges you into a world full of zombies. For the game requires an active GPS.Kogda you start the game, you need to specify how many zombies will be around you and how fast they move, then the application will determine where you are using a Google map and ask you to specify the endpoint. Your task is to get to their destination alive.

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