All apps for android


Fresh strategy that does not differ by any innovations, moreover, it is again about the tanks, however, many people like tanks, so we will not be surprised at this;)


After a complete and interactive immersion in the reality back to the simpler games, such as platform shooter, because they are too much fun!


It has long been seriously we were not at war, so here is a game with the ability to get under the command of a very cool toy - namely, a warship, powerful and deadly!


Quite interesting and very useful interweaving of genres in this game should be possible to cover the interested audience, so look likely have something for you!


Very nice game with pixel graphics and familiar gameplay, which has lots of advantages, especially when compared with other projects in "retro" style.


New game about football, and about his most exciting moments, notably striker output with the ball on the line to the gate, when the outcome of the game depends on a single blow!


On android continue to produce representatives class dubious games MOBA, which is this game. By the way for android is one of the best representatives of the genre!


Today, we are waiting for a deadly race through the story of the classic film of the same name, where powerful machines not only competed in speed and shooting at each other with machine guns!


No I do not want to be in the place described in this game, if only virtually, virtually the same, and we will offer escape from the terrible prison, so that new puzzles and closed the door!


Developers dubbed his game simulator criminal, cool, is not it? But in fact, we all know the real cool crime simulator, see how close work ...


Arcade version of the familiar genre of Tower Defense, where you have to protect a huge number of gates of the castle of the hated goblins and other such creatures.


Playing with such a long and zamorochennye name a new role-playing game for your android, which is designed for players who prefer to delve into all the intricacies of the storyline ...

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