Logic for android


Game Hidden Fantasy World is a world in which all your dreams come true, where you will find the magic and where you should look for a lot of hidden objects. For all fans and lovers of mysteries bright pictures in the style of fantasy, the best - for you.


The game Traffic Panic London dedicated to topics movement control, eternal traffic jams and other traffic jams. Many inhabitants of the App Store has already had the opportunity to try out this crazy game, and now it's your turn, choose between total control and limitless panic.


Playing Bridge Constructor is one of the best puzzle games of our time, it is closely related and physics and the expectation of disaster. The meaning of the game is simple - you have a handicap, you need to build a bridge to traffic could pass.


The game Where's My Perry? Is a logical continuation of the game Where `s my water with a comely Crocodile Swamp, I hope everyone remembers him. As before, you will find original and highly positive puzzle with a mass of secrets and memorable characters.


Ichi game is another representative of the genre of puzzles, and the most complex and interesting because it's not important graphics are only important task. Speaking of the plot - it is all the style of the school exercise book in a cage that is wound pleasant memories and adds the proper amount of concentration.


Cryptica game is a puzzle, the basis of which were taken by the ancient manuscripts and letters. Located in the mysteries of dark crypts and stored for a long-lost relics and many other mysteries.


Game Roombreak Escape Now! Simulator is a kind of escape, implemented as a very interesting puzzle quest. It is not important in the past or in the future, maybe it's all your imagination, one fact - you need to get out of here!


Game Jade `s Ransom, to speak more simply, it implies that you need to get noticed in the room, take something and get out of there, just noticed. Turn fantasy, logic and more!


Game C-Bot Puzzle allows you to move forward and become part of the open testing the latest scientific developments - a robot named C-Bot. But in the course of testing unforeseen problems and refuse from the project, you leave it in one way or undertake some action?


X Construction - a game in which you feel as a builder of bridges. Very simple gameplay, good physics make a decent copy of it.


The game Trainyard is a very interesting puzzle game that simulates the adventure on the depot and in other parts of the railway. Help the trains always arrive on time and, based on their intelligence, disassemble the most complex problems.


Tigers in a cage - this game is a bit like the famous digital "tag", but then instead of numbers - the cubs and size of the field some more. You need to release the cubs - moving cells, with guards locked in a cage.

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