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Insanely classic platformer is exactly what sometimes really is not enough. This game generally does not stand out from the competition, but that this is its charm!


zombie platformer may not be able to surprise you, however, it will be able to adjust the desired fashion, because we have again and hardcore meat! It's time to fight, terminators! ;)


MOBA genre on Android continues to grow, offering more and more new games, by taking into account the features of mobile platforms - this is another representative;)


I never thought I'd say this again, but even shooting can be interesting, because that's how you can describe this new game, which is also, zombie ... yes, zombies again!


Classics in the modern classic version, here is how you can call this game! However, we all know the film the Commando, action game which reminds a little bit;)


It's time to remember the classics, the game about tanks that appeared long before the WoT and the like, a game that a bunch of people chained to the tube tv!


The long-awaited (?) Return to the shooting range for android, the first of which received a very large audience exceeded 10 million ... which I thought was very strange!


New race for android where your only adversary will only self-preservation, however, as the game will have virtual reality, there is no enemy!


It's time to talk about fishing, which definitely attracted to many, but not all, for some reason, which in this game just tried to eliminate.


The new game, which can be called an analogue of such hits as the 2048, but the gameplay here is slightly changed and now, again, you can hang out for hours, watching the numbers;)


Continuation of the game about fighting panda and other heroes who tirelessly fight the forces of evil, are you ready to continue the fight or choose to sit on the sidelines?


For fresh arcade game for Android, which will be able to understand absolutely everyone, that's just can not understand why the alternative name of the game "Road rage" ...

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